Simply Speech Therapy is privileged to serve the community of Essex, Vermont and the surrounding areas.
We are a private practice offering comprehensive evaluation and treatment for articulation, language, fluency and social communication difficulties. We offer one-on-one care to every patient.
We provide services to children
and adolescents ages 3 to 21.

Our mission is to provide quality, affordable speech therapy to children and adolescents. We do this by providing individualized therapy session and parent training to teach the skills necessary to help children become successful communicators at home, at school, and throughout their lives.
Difficulty with producing clear speech sounds may present as utilizing a sound in place of another, having difficulty planning and executing speech sounds, leaving out sounds, and generally having a hard time being understood by others.
This is the ability to generate age-appropriate phrase and sentence-level utterances.
If your child has an expressive language delay they may have difficulty asking question, naming objects, putting words into sentences, using correct pronouns and overall sentence structure (grammar), etc.
Difficulties in the area of receptive language present as challenges in understanding communication (spoken, gesture or otherwise).
If your child has a receptive language delay they may have trouble with following directions, answering questions, and identifying objects and pictures, etc.
Stuttering is characterized by interruptions in the flow of spoken utterances. These interruptions may be perceived as atypical rate and rhythm. An individual may also produce repetitions of sounds, syllables within words, and phrases.
Between the ages of 2 and 6 many children will repeats sounds, syllables and words as they are speaking. The amount of repetitions may vary from situation to situation and may disappear then re-appear from time to time. Don't worry....this is normal. School age children should be able to express themselves without stuttering. However it is normal for a child to have some dysfluencies (hesitations or repetitions) when they are stressed or excited. Signs that indicate a stuttering disorder include:
Excessive repetitions of whole or part words (I-I-I want a c-cookie).
Prolongation of sounds (W-----hat time is it?).
Evidence of frustration while speaking (eye blinking, poor eye contact, clenching fists, etc.).
Avoidance of speaking.
Early intervention is therapy that is designed for children birth to three years of age and targets play skills, early development of speech and language and social communication.